Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Walking the Road to weight loss: Small steps and giant leaps

July 20, 1969 was an amazing day in history. Niel Armstrong and Buzz Aldrain walked on the moon. Quoting those famous astronauts from the surface of the Moon. "This is one small step for man... One giant.. Leap for mankind." Well that quote completely exemplifies how I've been feeling about my weight loss as of late. Up until last Thursday I had been backsliding or sitting stagnant and not losing very much. then I started making small steps to get back on track. I lost .8 lbs and then another 1.0 lbs after two weeks. I have to admit I felt as those early space explorers must have before Apollo 11 reached the moon. I felt as though any significant weight loss was out of reach and that the process for life change was just that several small trips into space, with the moon just out of reach.

It took a good weeks worth of loss to remind me that the moon isn't really all that far away. This week I lost 5.8 lbs and that was the thruster boost I needed to get back on track. My initial goal is 28.0 lbs. For our current day astronauts that's like getting to the international space station with the Moon as a goal in mind! If I keep track I might just make it to the moon, if not farther.

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